Source code for biomappings.testing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Validation tests for :mod:`biomappings`."""

import itertools as itt
import unittest
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import ClassVar, Union

import bioregistry

from biomappings.resources import (
from biomappings.resources.semapv import get_semapv
from biomappings.utils import (

__all__ = [

semapv = get_semapv()

def _extract_redundant(counter):
    return [(key, values) for key, values in counter.items() if len(values) > 1]

def _locations_str(locations):
    return ", ".join(f"{label}:{line}" for label, line in locations)

[docs] class IntegrityTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Data integrity tests.""" mappings: Mappings predictions: Mappings incorrect: Mappings unsure: Mappings def _iter_groups(self): for group, label in [ (self.mappings, "positive"), (self.incorrect, "negative"), (self.predictions, "predictions"), (self.unsure, "unsure"), ]: for i, mapping in enumerate(group, start=2): yield label, i, mapping
[docs] def test_prediction_types(self): """Test that the prediction type is pulled in properly.""" for line, mapping in enumerate(self.mappings, start=2): pt = mapping.get("prediction_type", "".strip()) if not pt: continue self.assertTrue( pt.startswith("semapv:"), msg=f"Prediction type should be annotated with semapv on line {line}", ) self.assertIn(pt[len("semapv:") :], semapv) self.assertNotEqual( "semapv:ManualMappingCuration", pt, msg="Prediction can not be annotated with manual curation", ) for label, line, mapping in self._iter_groups(): tt = mapping["type"] self.assertTrue( tt.startswith("semapv:"), msg=f"[{label}] The 'type' column should be annotated with semapv on line {line}", ) self.assertIn(tt[len("semapv:") :], semapv)
[docs] def test_relations(self): """Test that the relation is a CURIE.""" for label, line, mapping in self._iter_groups(): parts = mapping["relation"].split(":") self.assertEqual(2, len(parts)) prefix, identifier = parts self.assertNotEqual("ro", prefix, msg="RO should be capitalized") if prefix != "RO": self.assert_canonical_identifier(prefix, identifier, label, line)
[docs] def test_canonical_prefixes(self): """Test that all mappings use canonical bioregistry prefixes.""" valid_prefixes = set(bioregistry.read_registry()) for label, line, mapping in self._iter_groups(): source_prefix, target_prefix = mapping["source prefix"], mapping["target prefix"] self.assertIn( source_prefix, valid_prefixes, msg=f"Invalid prefix: {source_prefix} on {label}:{line}", ) self.assertIn( target_prefix, valid_prefixes, msg=f"Invalid prefix: {target_prefix} on {label}:{line}", )
[docs] def test_normalized_identifiers(self): """Test that all identifiers have been normalized (based on bioregistry definition).""" for label, line, mapping in self._iter_groups(): self.assert_canonical_identifier( mapping["source prefix"], mapping["source identifier"], label, line ) self.assert_canonical_identifier( mapping["target prefix"], mapping["target identifier"], label, line )
[docs] def assert_canonical_identifier( self, prefix: str, identifier: str, label: str, line: int ) -> None: """Assert a given identifier is canonical. :param prefix: The prefix to check :param identifier: The identifier in the semantic space for the prefix :param label: The label of the mapping file :param line: The line number of the mapping """ try: check_valid_prefix_id(prefix, identifier) except InvalidNormIdentifier as e:"[{label}:{line}] {e}") except InvalidIdentifierPattern as e:"[{label}:{line}] {e}")
[docs] def test_contributors(self): """Test all contributors have an entry in the curators.tsv file.""" contributor_orcids = {row["orcid"] for row in load_curators()} for mapping in itt.chain(self.mappings, self.incorrect, self.unsure): source = mapping["source"] if not source.startswith("orcid:"): self.assertTrue(source.startswith("web-")) ss = source[len("web-") :]'Add an entry with "{ss}" and your ORCID to {CURATORS_PATH}') self.assertIn(source[len("orcid:") :], contributor_orcids)
[docs] def test_cross_redundancy(self): """Test the redundancy of manually curated mappings and predicted mappings.""" counter = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for label, line, mapping in self._iter_groups(): counter[get_canonical_tuple(mapping)][label].append(line) redundant = [] for mapping, label_to_lines in counter.items(): if len(label_to_lines) <= 1: continue redundant.append((mapping, sorted(label_to_lines.items()))) if redundant: msg = "".join( f"\n {mapping}: {_locations_str(locations)}" for mapping, locations in redundant ) raise ValueError(f"{len(redundant)} are redundant: {msg}")
[docs] def assert_no_internal_redundancies(self, m: Mappings, tuple_cls): """Assert that the list of mappings doesn't have any redundancies.""" counter = defaultdict(list) for line, mapping in enumerate(m, start=1): counter[tuple_cls.from_dict(mapping)].append(line) redundant = _extract_redundant(counter) if redundant: msg = "".join( f"\n {mapping.source_curie}/{mapping.target_curie}: {locations}" for mapping, locations in redundant ) raise ValueError(f"{len(redundant)} are redundant: {msg}")
[docs] def test_predictions_sorted(self): """Test the predictions are in a canonical order.""" self.assertEqual( self.predictions, sorted(self.predictions, key=mapping_sort_key), msg="Predictions are not sorted", ) self.assert_no_internal_redundancies(self.predictions, PredictionTuple)
[docs] def test_curations_sorted(self): """Test the true curated mappings are in a canonical order.""" self.assertEqual( self.mappings, sorted(self.mappings, key=mapping_sort_key), msg="True curations are not sorted", ) self.assert_no_internal_redundancies(self.mappings, MappingTuple)
[docs] def test_false_mappings_sorted(self): """Test the false curated mappings are in a canonical order.""" self.assertEqual( self.incorrect, sorted(self.incorrect, key=mapping_sort_key), msg="False curations are not sorted", ) self.assert_no_internal_redundancies(self.incorrect, MappingTuple)
[docs] def test_unsure_sorted(self): """Test the unsure mappings are in a canonical order.""" self.assertEqual( self.unsure, sorted(self.unsure, key=mapping_sort_key), msg="Unsure curations are not sorted", ) self.assert_no_internal_redundancies(self.unsure, MappingTuple)
[docs] class PathIntegrityTestCase(IntegrityTestCase): """A test case that can be configured with paths. For example, in this might be used in a custom instance of Biomappings like in the following: .. code-block:: python from biomappings.testing import PathIntegrityTestCase HERE = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() class TestCustom(PathIntegrityTestCase): predictions_path = HERE.joinpath("predictions.tsv") positives_path = HERE.joinpath("positive.tsv") negatives_path = HERE.joinpath("negative.tsv") unsure_path = HERE.joinpath("unsure.tsv") """ predictions_path: ClassVar[Union[str, Path]] positives_path: ClassVar[Union[str, Path]] negatives_path: ClassVar[Union[str, Path]] unsure_path: ClassVar[Union[str, Path]]
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls) -> None: """Set up the test case.""" cls.predictions = load_predictions(path=cls.predictions_path) cls.mappings = load_mappings(path=cls.positives_path) cls.incorrect = load_mappings(path=cls.negatives_path) cls.unsure = load_mappings(path=cls.unsure_path)